While some differences between talking in person and talking through technology are evident the similarities are small.
Here are some similarities between communicating in person and communicating through technology.Communicating through technology and talking in person,will get the message across the same way.Both ways you can tell the person what you want them to know either way.Also,both ways a person is talking whether spoken or written.You can actually tell the person what you want to tell them either way.You can tell the person what you want them to know either way.Be cautious whenever you say something or it could hurt someone’s feelings.One time my friend accidentally pulled a prank through a text and the other person took it the wrong way.Also,make sure you tell the person it was a joke or a prank or they might not get that you were just kidding.
Here are some ways that communicating through technology and communicating in person are very different.One time my friend sent me a message and i took it the wrong way and then the next time I saw her I had to ask why she had sent me that and then she told me what it was really supposed to say and what she really meant to send.
And that was my similarities and differences for talking through technology and communicating in person.
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